AEL Constitution
Constitution for the Alpha XI Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Lambda
Section I.
The name of the society shall be Alpha XI Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Lambda. The Academic Excellence and Leadership Honor Society of Graduate and Professional School Students.
Section II.
The purposes for which this chapter is organized are:
§ To recognize, promote, and foster outstanding and high academic achievement among graduate and professional school students.
§ To provide service to graduate and professional school students and student organizations at the Virginia Tech.
§ To encourage and support development of all graduate and professional school student organizations at the Virginia Tech. These include but are not limited to: Graduate Student Assembly and Black Graduate Student Organization.
Section I.
Alpha XI Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Lambda exists under the authority of the AEL National Headquarters and AEL Board of Directors as witnessed by the granting of a charter to Alpha XI Chapter. This charter may be revoked should the chapter fail to act in accordance with the purposes for which the chapter is established. Upon revocation of the chapter charter the society shall cease to be called Alpha XI Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Lambda, and shall hold no affiliation with Alpha Epsilon Lambda.
Section II.
Alpha XI Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Lambda shall adhere to all student organization rules and regulations as described by the Virginia Tech Student Activities Office. Failure to adhere to these guidelines shall constitute sufficient grounds for revocation of the chapter charter
Section I.
The members of the society shall be those Virginia Tech students who have been duly initiated in accordance with the bylaws of the society. The society may also grant honorary membership to other persons in accordance with the bylaws of the society.
Section II.
Minimum requirements for membership in the society shall include: (1) completion of at least 12 credit hours as a degree-seeking graduate student, (2) a grade point average that is in the top 35% of students with their college, and (3) a record of leadership and service to graduate students or graduate student organizations.
Section I.
The society shall hold at least two meetings per semester, excluding summer, as scheduled by the president. One meeting shall be called for the purpose of considering applicants for membership and one meeting shall be called to present membership and other recognition awards, elect officers, and discuss service projects.
Section II.
The society shall strive to send at least one delegate to the annual meeting of Alpha Epsilon Lambda.
Section III.
The society shall establish a primary service project in accordance with the purpose of the society. A description of the project shall be incorporated into the bylaws.
Section I.
The officers of the society shall be the president, the vice president, and the secretary-treasurer. Term of office shall be one year for all officers. The president, vice president and secretary-treasurer shall be elected at a meeting held in the month of April. In the event of a vacancy in the office of president, the vice president shall serve as president until a replacement is elected at the next meeting of the society. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the vice president or secretary-treasurer, the president shall appoint (with the approval of the faculty advisor) a replacement who shall serve until a replacement is elected at the next meeting of the society.
Section II.
The dean of the Graduate School shall be invited to serve as the society faculty advisor. If the dean is unable to serve in this capacity, a faculty advisor shall be elected by the members of the society for a term of three years.
Section III.
Duties of the president shall include the planning and conduct of meetings and initiations.
Section IV.
Duties of the vice president shall include the planning and conduct of all service projects.
Section V.
Duties of the secretary-treasurer shall include distributing membership applications, notifying members of all meetings, and managing finances of the society.
Section I.
Members shall be assessed chapter dues in accordance with the bylaws of the campus chapter. Chapter dues shall not exceed $30 per member per year. Members shall be assessed a one-time national dues of $15.
Section II.
Members receiving recognition by the AEL National Headquarters as National Members, National Fellows, or Governing Members shall not be assessed additional chapter dues.
Section III.
The secretary-treasurer shall be responsible for managing the finances of the society. The secretary-treasurer shall adhere to all rules and procedures of the Virginia Tech Student Budget Board in managing finances of the society. All expenditures must be authorized by the president prior to disbursement by the secretary-treasurer. All transactions must be reported to the faculty advisor and membership in a financial report included as part of every meeting of the society.
The society will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, age, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.
No solicitation or propaganda, such as rushing and social pressure, shall be used to ensure acceptance or invitation to membership. No members or applicants shall be subjected to any form of hazing.
The constitution may be altered by at least a two-third (2/3) vote of the active chapter members present at a regular meeting. To be eligible for consideration at the annual meeting, proposed amendments must be presented in writing to the members at least 10 days prior to the scheduled date of the regular meeting.

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